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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2018

7 Spot Foto Instagramable dan Aesthetic di Malaysia, Dijamin Bikin IG Kamu Kebanjiran Likes!

Christ Church, Melaka (Photo Credit: Aktivitas dan pengaruh media sosial yang begitu besar saat ini sudah menjadi fenomena tersendiri di masyarakat. Sehari saja, tak mengecek medsos itu rasanya hampa, ada yang kurang.  Ibarat pepatah kata, seperti sayur tanpa garam, sepatu tanpa tali, tangan tanpa jam, atau bibir tanpa lipstik. Pokoknya ga bisa engga... ketergantungan... Semua orang asyik dengan kehidupannya di dunia maya, mulai dari bangun tidur, perjalanan sekolah/ kerja, bahkan ketika sedang sibuk-sibuknya di kantor/ kampus pun masih menyempatkan untuk cek media sosial. Ada yang hanya sekedar melihat aktivitas temannya, ada yang sibuk saling berkomentar, ada pula yang selalu memposting apa pun yang mereka lakukan di medsos mereka. Dan... tampaknya saat ini instagram menduduki posisi teratas dalam kategori jumlah pengguna media sosial paling aktif di dunia. Seperti yang kita ketahui, instagram adalah sebuah platform media sosial berbasis photo ...

What I learnt in 2017?

2017.. Yap! This year, I’ve experienced a lot of situations which gave me sooo many precious lessons. I’ve been through a lot, a hard one, in every aspect of my life (family, financial, career).  Those things punch me really hard and make me feel ‘black-and-blue’, I try so hard to rise after I fall but it wasn’t that easy. I rise and I fall several times. It happens continuously. I thought that life was so unfair for me and my family. Me and my family, we’re always trying to be kind to others but what we got? They hurt us, they cheat on us, and they overthrow us. They kill us.  Mostly, the person who we trust and we care the most are the person who did terrible things to us. They made us fall. They betray us. I’m angry at God. Why? Why me? What have I done so wrong in life to get into this trouble over and over again? I was so depressed As time passed, I start to control my temper and try to deal with this situation. I try to look at this situ...